Our Services
In considering our growth, we considered the requirements for a robust firm to include our breadth of skills and services to best service our clientele. The pairing up of partners and staff with unique skills have allowed us to assist our clientele when considering assurance, taxation and cross border activities in their business plans. We believe we deliver specialization as well as diversity of our services strategizing on the interaction of our skills.
We believe that providing audit assurance services requires an indepth knowledge our client’s business. An efficient audit relies on our professional judgement to focus in on areas of risk and provide the highest level of assurance.
We understand that tax strategy must take into consideration various key factors for its proper execution. In depth tax knowledge of current and future tax pronouncements, an understanding of our clients’ overall financial situation, advance planning of tax strategies and communication of options form our tax foundation. We believe it is critical to have our clients’ involvement in the tax strategy so that we can align our expertise to their short and long term financial objectives.
A U.S. citizen resident in Canada must deal with both the Canadian and U.S. income tax systems as the U.S. is one of the few countries in the world that taxes its citizens on their worldwide income, whether or not they are physically in the United States.
The shift towards accounting standards has moved towards a global standardization and we have taken a proactive approach to understanding the various accounting framework standards.